Čo kŕmite pokožku?

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Nikto nemá rád, ako starnutie ovplyvňuje ich pokožku. Všetci sme dlho vyzerali mladšie, cítili sa mladšie a máme mladistvý vzhľad, ktorý sme kedysi mali, keď sme boli v dvadsiatych rokoch. Ale realita je, že všetci starneme a naša pokožka často môže ukázať náš vek. Avšak jedením ideálnych potravín môžeme spomaliť účinky, ktoré má starnutie na našu pokožku.

Podľa Rachel Sharoff, licencovanej estetičky v Skintologickej koži a laserovom centre na Manhattane, zohráva jedlo veľkú úlohu v zdraví našej pokožky. Skontrolovanie môjho centra pokožky sa môžete pozrieť na vašu pokožku a uistiť sa, že vaša pokožka je zdravá a rakovina bezplatná, takže ste si istí, že ste schopní vykonať kozmetické postupy, ako je mikroneedling.

Nižšie uvedený článok od Rachel Sharoff popisuje, aké druhy potravín musíme jesť, ak chceme mať mladšiu pokožku.

Kascia talbert


Skintologická koža a laserové centrum podávajú rady

Chcete skutočne úžasnú pokožku – žiariace, žiarivé a mladšie vyzerajúce pokožka? Uistite sa, že na tanier dávate potraviny pre zdravú pokožku. „Všetko, čo jete, sa stáva súčasťou nielen vašej vnútornej bytosti, ale aj vonkajšej štruktúry vášho tela. Čím zdravšie sú potraviny, ktoré konzumujete, tým lepšia bude vaša pokožka vyzerať, “hovorí Rachel Sharoff, licencovaná estetička v Skintology Skin a Laser Center na Manhattane. Opak je tiež pravdivý. Čím menšia pozornosť venujeme tomu, čo sa deje v našich ústach, tým oveľa viac problémov môžeme vidieť orezávanie s našou pokožkou. “Mohli by ste mať slanú, suchú a staršiu pokožku.” Nestane sa to cez noc, ale hladujte svoju pokožku dosť dlho a ukáže sa, “hovorí Rachel Sharoff. A čo viac, niektorí odborníci v oblasti zdravia sa domnievajú, že keď vaša strava chýba určité potraviny pre zdravú pokožku, môžu mať za následok iné, dokonca aj oveľa závažnejšie problémy s kožou. Sharoff poukazuje na to, že „množstvo podmienok, napríklad akné, môže spôsobiť nečakane vypuknutie. A niektoré chronické stavy pokožky, ako napríklad ekzém, môžu súvisieť s stravou. “


Jahody, čučoriedky a černice balil veľké množstvo antioxidantov. Antioxidanty pomáhajú blokovať „voľné radikály“, ako sú slnečné lúče, od poškodzujúcich kožných buniek. Ale nehádajte svoj opaľovací krém. Jesť bobule je ďalší krok, ktorý môžete urobiť, aby ste pomohli zaistiť pokožku pred poškodením a zastaviť predčasné starnutie. “Voľné radikály; Rovnako ako ten druh vytvorený z expozície slnečného žiarenia poškodzuje membránu kožných buniek, čo potenciálne umožňuje poškodenie DNA tejto bunky, “hovorí Rachel. Antioxidanty a iné fytochemikálie v týchto plodoch môžu bunku zaistiť, takže existuje menšia šanca na poškodenie. “ Keď pomôžete zaistiť bunky pred poškodením a rozpadom, chránite sa aj pred predčasným starnutím. V tomto ohľade tieto ovocie môžu veľmi dobre pomôcť udržať vašu pokožku mladšiu, “hovorí Rachel.

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Sladké zemiaky

Zelenina, ako sú sladké zemiaky, sa skladajú z beta-karoténu a vitamínov A a C-dobrým receptom pre ohromujúcu pokožku. Tieto živiny môžu pomôcť udržať vlhkosť pokožky a zastaviť suchosť.

Low-Fat Dairy

One the most crucial components of skin health is vitamin A. one of the best places to get it is low-fat dairy products. In fact, experts say that the health of our skin cells is dependent on dietary vitamin A. “The A in dairy products is true A, so everyone’s skin can use it,” says Rachel Sharoff. She adds, “low-fat yogurt is not only high in vitamin A, but also acidophilus, the “live” bacteria that is good for intestinal health. It may also have an impact on the skin. Anything that helps keep digestion normal, any live bacteria or enzymes, is also going to be reflected in healthy-looking skin.”

Salmon, Walnuts, Canola Oil, and Flax Seed

These seemingly unrelated foods all deliver vital fatty acids, and thus are crucial foods for healthy skin. vital fatty acids are responsible for healthy cell membranes, which is not only what act as barriers to harmful things but also as the passageway for nutrients to cross in and out and for waste products to get in and out of the cell. Rachel Sharoff describes that, “Because it is the cell membrane that also holds water in, the stronger that barrier is the better your cells can hold moisture. and that indicates plumper, younger looking skin.” The same inflammatory process that can harm our arteries and cause heart disease can harm skin cells. vital fatty acids can offer protection to both. The best-known vital fatty acids are omega 3 and omega 6, which need to be in balance for good health (and good skin). though we all seem to get enough omega 6, Stuart says lots of people lack omega 3s. Fish, walnut, and flax seed oil are among the best sources.

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Oils can give your skin much needed moisture. just make sure you’re using healthy oils, such as olive oil. adding just 2 tablespoons a day to your diet will help keep your skin appropriately lubricated and healthy.

Celé zrniečka

The mineral selenium is an antioxidant found in whole-grain products. Selenium can help control cell damage that can cause skin cancer. filling up on whole grains will help you avoid refined white flour and starchy foods that can increase your insulin levels. High insulin levels can induce inflammation and irritate your skin.

Zelený čaj

This beverage should have its own category in any post about foods for healthy skin. The skin-health properties in this useful drink just can’t be beat. “It has anti-inflammatory properties, and it’s protective to the cell membrane. It may even help stop or minimize the risk of skin cancer,” says Rachel Sharoff. Indeed, a study published recently in the Archives of Dermatology shows that whether taken orally or applied to the skin, green tea can minimize the risk of damage from ultraviolet light (such as the burning rays of the sun), and thus minimize the risk of rakovina kože.


While the exact amount you must drink each day varies, no one disputes the role good hydration plays in keeping skin looking healthy and even young. When that hydration comes from pure, clean water; not liquids such as soda or even soup, experts say skin cells rejoice. “It is my belief that our skin needs at least eight glasses every day,” says Rachel Sharoff. In addition to keeping cells hydrated, water helps cells step nutrients in and toxins out, which Rachel Sharoff says automatically leaves skin looking better. She adds that, “when we’re appropriately hydrated, we also sweat a lot more efficiently.”

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SOME common myths DEBUNKED

Chocolate causes Acne

Fried foods don’t, either. There is no little pipeline that carries oil from your intestines to your skin. Oily foods have nothing to make with the skin’s oiliness, and oil isn’t the cause of acne, anyway. Acne occurs when testosterone and other hormones stimulate the growth of skin over pores so that the oil, sebum, that keeps the skin flexible and wrinkle-free, gets trapped inside. When bacteria degrade this oil, then there can be whiteheads, blackheads, and various kinds of inflammation.

Junk Food and Dark Colas cause Acne

Experts agree that there is no evidence to support the claim that gorging on pizza and Coke leads to acne. However, if you notice that your acne flare up substantially after consuming certain foods or beverages, eliminate those items and enjoy your skin. You may have stumbled in your own complimentary brand of treatment.

Vitamin A prevents Acne

The truth – Vitamin A is an crucial part of skin health. Basically, if you don’t have enough Vitamin A in your system, your sebaceous glands produce excess lipids, causing pimples, but if you have too much vitamin A, while your pimples might not be the issue, other parts of your body, like your liver, may be negatively affected. The optimal daily intake with food and supplementation is about 15,000 IU.

Skintology Skin & Laser center is an all-inclusive destination for all your appeal needs. Whether it’s laser hair removal, Botox injections or a hydrating facial, our trusted staff is dedicated to making your experience comfortable and pleasant. We offer customized treatments that are specifically created for your skin type. individual fulfillment is our top priority and we design treatments to produce the best results possible. Experienced cosmetic Surgeons and Laser Technicians utilize the most advanced FDA approved laser technologies from distinguished companies such as Cynosure, Candela, Lumenis, & Deka, to supply the most effective and safe treatments. For a lot more information visit: www.skintologyny.com



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